Shoko on Linux!

こんにちは Linux!

It was always my goal to push JMM (now Shoko) in direction that would end up as really cross platform application that would benefit user on any setup. I had my better and worst days. Had a lot of fights and dramas… but in the long run it was worth the trouble. Each time we were closer and closer. Most people would only request this but most dev would put it somewhere on wait list till everything other would be done. Thanks to those steps and mostly thanks to Cazzar and his time he pull it to the end. I need to credit him because he took the time and pull it all to the end. No matter how many steps were made before be is the one that pull it together – and did great job.

Now we are able to run Shoko in docker and it work great with mono on most platforms.

There is still a lot to do, but this is great thing that I was waiting for long time (not only me).

Also you can find manual about running it on:

2 thoughts on “Shoko on Linux!

  1. Good day, is there a different link that i can use to find the installation documentation for Linux? The above link does not work.

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