Nakamori need your feedback!

Nakamori can be as great Users need to be! But we need your feedback!

If something is missing, if you want to see a improvement – tell us !

Also, sorry for no updates but Shoko developing became so stale that its not moving much on surface and I wouldn’t like to push updates for not released versions 🙂

Shoko on Linux!

こんにちは Linux!

It was always my goal to push JMM (now Shoko) in direction that would end up as really cross platform application that would benefit user on any setup. I had my better and worst days. Had a lot of fights and dramas… but in the long run it was worth the trouble. Each time we were closer and closer. Most people would only request this but most dev would put it somewhere on wait list till everything other would be done. Thanks to those steps and mostly thanks to Cazzar and his time he pull it to the end. I need to credit him because he took the time and pull it all to the end. No matter how many steps were made before be is the one that pull it together – and did great job.

Now we are able to run Shoko in docker and it work great with mono on most platforms.

There is still a lot to do, but this is great thing that I was waiting for long time (not only me).

Also you can find manual about running it on:

Shoko getting better and better !

It’s been some time when I could start working with new version of Shoko.

The good news is that Shoko is closer and closer to being able to run on Linux machines. It good to see that someone else care enough to push project in that direction.

To bad it taking so much time as there is more and more added functionality that is only usable in developer version of Shoko.

But still, they doing great job.

Project updates

It’s been quite some time when I last updated this page…

I finally ported my personal project from poor bash to poor python as poor I’m talking about the quality of the code. I’m not super good in python but making more and more projects make be better in it. Still I’m not 100% sure if the quality of this code is on normal level or bellow so assume its poor 😉

kagami – is a little twitter monitoring tool (bot) that download every content you like on Twitter, so in even of not able to reach it via Twitter (because of reasons) you can store copy of it on your hdd.

Finally Nakamori got updated!

This month we moved nakamori to latest implementation of shoko-server-api-v2. Also nakamori now have been split to 4 smaller projects (3 active): legacy (this is latest version of nakamori that don’t use APIv2 – this is for those hardcore users that don’t want to updated Shoko), nakamori (this is current maintained core code), script (any tools that could be reuse anywhere else are there, this way we can updated filters for TagBlackList without updating main plugin), service (as this is still rarely used, this will handle playing files and marking them, as it’s the way Kodi Team would like those thing to be). We did ignore those aspects before, but as we grow and Shoko get more support (maybe in far far future they will hit cross-compatible, and they finally get those anime-linux fans as userbase) I would move this project to official Kodi repo so we will also reach more people without those unknown source thing – to be honest I like it the way it is but out userbase is more important than my personal preference about distribution way.

Joshu – this one was also my personal project, that begin with porting JMM to python. The progress was solid but eventually I was able to inspire Shoko devs to have a cross-compatible on they road-map and I scraped this one. Later I tried to make a webui for Shoko, and it was more of experiment and learning play field for Ember.js. It was a bit fun to be able to learn Ember and Bootstrap for first time after long time, but eventually there were some limitation that I couldn’t overcome without changing API and the idea behind API was to handle all clients and not to write code just for one application. Where are here now… Joshu is still live active project but with second time scraped code, but this time I have my python for it 😉 and it look better and better than ever. As I finished porting Kagami, which interrupted my development of joshu I can finally go back to it and finish it. Soon I should also push code to public :-). As you see I’m attach to the name of it.


You probably notice a little downtime between 12 and 13 November… I’m very sorry about that. It was my fault as the backup script took the left space and web server didn’t have any space left to run stable.

Also as some of you noticed the JMM project is changing name. It will be ‘Shoko’ but I don’t plan to change name of ‘Nakamori’ as the name fits the project perfectly!

Thanks to new API implementation (using NancyFX) that I manage to introduced to Shoko the build from and up use rewritten interface to interact with 1st and 3rd party applications including Nakamori. Currently I’m waiting till Shoko 3.7 hit stable release as then we will be able to update Nakamori to version 2.1 with new and better api implementation. It will support a lot of new features.

Thanks to new API Shoko also will introduce a simple, yet useful webui that will work on all platforms (a semi-cross-compatible introduction, as the server still require win os to run) which you can test now as jmm/shoko github.

Nakamori 2.x.x

Some of you probably saw that the git repo from some time now have 2.x.x branch and want to figure out what is it for ?

This is branch on which I will focus to improve Nakamori, but the most important staff will be to make it compatible with JMM 3.6+ which soon will hit Beta (i hope).

JMM 3.6 will be great improve in speed and usability. Every good changes always come with those bad ones. There have been a lot and I need to say A LOT of changes in the way JMM API respond which made Nakamori not able to talk with JMM anymore. For some time now I have been invited to official developer group – but for me that didn’t change anything much. I started as freelancer that helped JMM a bit with some minor bug etc, and I devoted my time to create Nakamori. Also now as ‘official’ developer I can help JMM even better and (as I could before) I can rework some API but for now JMM getting so much  code rework often so I’m currently waiting for that situation to settle and probably start tweaking API and Nakamori with JMM3.6.5 or 3.7, not sure – but as fast as possible so Nakamori users wont suffer long without Kodi playing our beloved anime.

Also with help of a great person that started to help out with bug-fixing and improving experience with my project (@da3dsoul), Nakamori is getting better and better.

So I just wanted to say to everyone that I’m very happy about fact that not only my and da3dsoul use Nakamori, and if you ever have any request fell free to contact me via github or discord

Few changes!

Two big changes have been made:

  1. Name change (shortening)
  2. Repository url change

I came to conclusion that this will be the best time to cut the ‘plugin’ word from name. Plugin that to help of community is getting better and better but the ‘Plugin’ part was just ugly.

From now on ‘Nakamori Plugin’ is known as ‘Nakamori’. The change of name also reflected the name of repository on github.

Also I finally moved repository out of This way it is easier for me to maintain it and also I have better knowledge of how popular Nakamori is becoming.